How To Install OpenAI Gym In Windows Environment In 2023?
OpenAI Gym is among the best tools that computer scientists often use for experimenting with a range of different reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms and can even develop their own. Do you also want to install OpenAI Gym? You can also do that by following just a few steps.
OpenAI Gym is a Python package built to become a standardized environment and benchmark for Reinforcement Learning research. It comprises a selection of RL environments that ranges from simple toy environments to even more challenging environments. Well, the only downside is that even though more than 80% of the world’s laptop and desktop computers run on Windows OS while OpenAI Gym only supports macOS and Linux.
For those of you who want to install OpenAI Gym, you need to have Python 3.5+ installed on your Computer. You need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017. You can download and install it and as the OpenAI Gym is not supported in Windows Environment, so it can be set up in a separate Python Environment. You can follow a few more steps and install the OpenAI Gym.
This post will further discuss all the crucial details related to how you can install OpenAI gym in a Windows environment. Through the steps we will be mentioned below, you can get OpenAI Gym up and running. So, without further ado, let us get started and find out how you can install OpenAI Gym.
How To Install OpenAI Gym In Windows Environment?
If you want to install OpenAI Gym in a Windows Environment, you need to have Python 3.5+ installed on your computer. After that, you need to follow a few steps and you can install the OpenAI Gym on your computer. So, let us have a look at what steps you need to follow for that.
Step 1: Install The Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools For Visual Studio 2017
The first thing that you need to do to install OpenAI Gym is to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 if you don’t have it on your computer. You can click here to download it for free. Once this has been done, move to the next step to know what is to be done next.
Step 2: Install The Necessary Python Packages
As the OpenAI Gym is not supported in a Windows Environment, it is better if you set it up in its own separate Python Environment. This is to avoid any potential breaking of the main Python installation. You can do this in Conda by giving the following command (at the Terminal or Anaconda prompt):
conda create -n gym python=3 pip
This command will create a conda environment named Gym and runs Python 3 and contains pip.
In case, you are thinking of not installing pip at the time when you are creating a Conda environment, then any packages that you install within the environment will be installed globally to the base Python environment than just locally within that environment.
To activate the new environment just type:
activate gym
Then, run the following commands:
pip install gym
This does the minimum installation of OpenAI Gym.
conda install pystan
This is important to run the ToyText environments.
conda install git
pip install git+
This is needed to run the Atari environments.
conda install swig
pip install Box2D
This is needed to run the Box2D environments.
pip install gym[all]
This will install the remaining OpenAI Gym environments. In case some errors appear, you just need to ignore them.
pip install pyglet==1.2.4
pip install gym[box2d]
The last two lines are important to avoid any bugs that may occur with Pyglet and the Box2D environments.
Once you are done with this, you can even install any other Python package that you want to have in your Conda environment.
Step 3: Install Xming
You are now required to install Xming on your computer. So, if you want to download it for free, you can click here to get it for free. Once you install it successfully, move to the next step to know what you need to do next.
Step 4: Start Xming Running
Every time you want to use OpenAI Gym, you need to start Xming running before starting the Python IDE. So, you can run that by entering the following command at the Windows command prompt:
set DISPLAY=:0
Move to the final step to install OpenAI Gym.
Step 5: Test
You can now test your OpenAI Gym environment. To test that, you need to run the following Python code.
If everything is set up correctly, a pop-up window will appear showing the results of 1000 random actions that are taken in the Cart Pole environment.
Here ends the post on how to install OpenAI Gym. In this post, we have provided you with complete details related to how you can install OpenAI Gym. If you also follow the instructions that have been mentioned above, you will have the OpenAI Gym installed and running on your computer. You can now enjoy using this as per your need. So, have you yet installed the OpenAI Gym? In case, you face any issues, feel free to reach out to us via the comment section below. Also, share this post with your friends and help them to know how they can install OpenAI Gym on their computers!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How Do I Install OpenAI Gym Windows?
A. You can install OpenAI Gym on Windows by following the instructions that are mentioned below. These instructions assume that you have Python 3.5+ already installed on your computer.
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017.
Install all the necessary Python packages.
Install Xming.
Start Xming Running.
These steps can help you to install openAI Gym on your computer.
Q2. Does OpenAI Gym Work On Windows?
A. Though you can install OpenAI Gym on Windows using PIP or Conda, it seems that it cannot be visualized on Windows. Well, playing the OpenAI Gym on Windows is quite inconvenient.
Q3. Why Did Elon Musk Leave OpenAI?
A. Elon Musk decided to leave OpenAI, the Artificial Intelligence research group, over disagreements about the development of the company as per the Twitter post of Chief Executive Officer of Tesla Inc.
really great guide to start with!!